Ely River – Monkshood Meander River Trail

As part of the RePrEEV project the Trust are trying to encourage more people to walk along the river and learn about the amazing wildlife that inhabits the riverbanks and channel.

Fel rhan o brosiect RePrEEV mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth yn ceisio annog mwy o bobl i gerdded ar hyd yr afon a dysgu am y bywyd gwyllt anhygoel sy’n byw ar lannau’r afonydd a’r sianel.

Utilising the existing public footpath network, we have suggested a walking route which runs from Grangemoor Park (Cardiff) all the way up the river to Pontyclun. The route is divided into three sections:

  • Grangemoor Park to St Fagans
  • St Fagans to Peterstone-super-Ely
  • Peterstone-super-Ely to Pontyclun.

Gan ddefnyddio’r rhwydwaith llwybrau cyhoeddus presennol, rydym wedi awgrymu llwybr cerdded sy’n rhedeg o Barc Grangemoor (Caerdydd) yr holl ffordd i fyny’r afon i Bontyclun. Mae’r llwybr wedi’i rannu’n dair rhan:

Parc Grangemoor i Sain Ffagan

Sain Ffagan i Peterstone-super-Elái

Peterstone-super-Ely to Pontyclun.

Working with our local community partners we have placed interpretation boards at each end of the walk (Pontyclun and Grangemoor Park) and also in Peterstone-super-Ely and St Fagans. These boards provide details of each section of the walk and some of the plants and animals that you might see en-route.

Gan weithio gyda’n partneriaid cymunedol lleol, rydym wedi gosod byrddau dehongli ar bob pen o’r daith (Pontyclun a Pharc Grangemoor) a hefyd yn Peterstone-super-Ely a Sain Ffagan. Mae’r byrddau hyn yn rhoi manylion am bob rhan o’r daith a rhai o’r planhigion a’r anifeiliaid y gallech eu gweld ar y ffordd.

The maps of the routes will be displayed here when published.

Bydd mapiau’r llwybrau yn cael eu harddangos yma pan gânt eu cyhoeddi.

Please remember when walking the river to follow the country code details of which can be found here.

Cofiwch wrth gerdded yr afon i ddilyn y cod gwlad y gellir dod o hyd i’w manylion yma.

The following links provide advice and guidance regarding setting out safely on a countryside walk:

BMC Hill Walking Guide

Adventure Smart – Watch the Weather