The Trust has received funding from Natural Resources Wales for the period November 2022 to March 2024 which it will use to:
Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth wedi derbyn cyllid gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru am y cyfnod rhwng Tachwedd 2022 a Mawrth 2024 a bydd yn ei ddefnyddio i:
- Remove or modify barriers to fish migration.
- Address damage caused by livestock and other intensive land management practices.
- Dileu neu addasu rhwystrau i fudo pysgod.
- Mynd i’r afael â difrod a achoswyd gan dda byw ac arferion rheoli tir dwys eraill.
The priority areas for our projects are on rivers known to support migratory fish, including salmon and sea trout, the populations of which have recently declined sharply.
Mae’r meysydd blaenoriaeth ar gyfer ein prosiectau ar afonydd y gwyddys eu bod yn cefnogi pysgod mudol, gan gynnwys eogiaid a brithyll môr, y mae eu poblogaethau wedi dirywio’n sydyn yn ddiweddar.
We will also focus efforts on stretches of river which are not achieving good ecological status, a target within the Water Framework Directive.
Byddwn hefyd yn canolbwyntio ymdrechion ar rannau o afonydd nad ydynt yn cyflawni statws ecolegol da, targed o fewn y Gyfarwyddeb Fframwaith Dŵr.
Our work has included:
Mae ein gwaith wedi cynnwys:
- The addition of baffles into long, concrete culverts to create depth under low flows and slower water under flood conditions.
- Removal or modification of weir and other barriers to enable fish to pass upstream, and downstream, relatively unhindered.
- Protection of riverbanks to prevent siltation of spawning gravels.
- Creation of riparian buffer strips, excluding livestock from the riverbanks, allowing plants to grow without being trampled and grazed adding to biodiversity and preventing erosion.
- Planting of trees to provide shade, cooling the water during hot weather.
- Ychwanegu baffles i gyltiau hir, concrit i greu dyfnder o dan lifau isel a dŵr arafach o dan amodau llifogydd.
- Dileu neu addasu cored a rhwystrau eraill i alluogi pysgod i basio i fyny’r afon, ac i lawr yr afon, yn gymharol ddirwystr.
- Amddiffyn glannau afonydd i atal siltio gravels.
- Creu stribedi clustogi torlanaidd, ac eithrio da byw o lannau’r afon, gan ganiatáu i blanhigion dyfu heb gael eu sathru a’u pori gan ychwanegu at fioamrywiaeth ac atal erydiad.
- Plannu coed i ddarparu cysgod, oeri’r dŵr yn ystod tywydd poeth.