Restoration, Protection and Enhancement of Ely Valley SSSI / Adfer, Diogelu a Gwella SSSI Dyffryn Elái
This project is funded by the Nature Networks Programme. It is being delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government.
Mae’r prosiect hwn yn cael ei ariannu gan y Rhaglen Rhwydweithiau Natur. Mae’n cael ei ddarparu gan y Gronfa Dreftadaeth, ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru.

A stretch of the River Ely which has been fenced to protect the banks from livestock damage / Darn o Afon Elái sydd wedi’i ffensio i ddiogelu’r glannau rhag difrod da byw
The RePrEEV project will be focused on one of the few riverine SSSI sites in the south Wales valleys. The Ely Valley SSSI covers an area of 87hectares stretching over 12km of the River Ely. The site is designated due to the most significant population of Aconitum anglicum (Monkshood or Wolfs Bane) – pictured.
Prosiect RePrEEV yn canolbwyntio ar un o’r ychydig safleoedd SoDdGA afonol yng nghymoedd de Cymru. Mae SoDdGA Dyffryn Trelái yn cwmpasu ardal o 87hectar sy’n ymestyn dros 12km o Afon Trelái. Dynodwyd y safle oherwydd poblogaeth fwyaf arwyddocaol Aconitum anglicum (Monkshood neu Wolfs Bane) – yn y llun.
We aim to protect and enhance the site to benefit, not just the Monkshood population, but also the diverse range of other plant and animal species living there.
Ein nod yw gwarchod a gwella’r safle er budd nid yn unig poblogaeth Monkshood, ond hefyd yr ystod amrywiol o rywogaethau planhigion ac anifeiliaid eraill sy’n byw yno.

Map showing the extent of the Ely Valley SSSI / Map yn dangos maint SoDdGA Dyffryn Trelái
Issues that we will address / Materion y byddwn yn mynd i’r afael â nhw
- Lack of information about health of Monkshood within the SSSI.
- Need for optimum habitats, including shading, for Monkshood.
- Impact of invasive plant species (e.g. Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed).
- Overgrazing of riparian zone vegetation by livestock.
- Diffyg gwybodaeth am iechyd mynachod o fewn y SoDdGA.
- Angen am gynefinoedd gorau posibl, gan gynnwys cysgodi, ar gyfer Monkshood.
- Effaith rhywogaethau planhigion goresgynnol (e.e. Balsam Himalaya a Clymog Japan).
- Gorbori llystyfiant parth torlannol gan dda byw.
What will be delivered? / Beth fydd yn cael ei gyflawni?
- 5km of buffer strip created
- 25,000m2 of invasive weeds tackled.
- 1000 trees planted
- Education and outreach program
- Interpretive information available to those using the site.
- 5km o stribed clustog wedi’i greu
- Aeth 25,000m2 o chwyn ymledol i’r afael â nhw.
- 1000 o goed wedi’u plannu
- Rhaglen addysg ac allgymorth
- Gwybodaeth ddehongli ar gael i’r rhai sy’n defnyddio’r wefan.

Monkshood (Aconitum angelicum) growing on the banks of the River Ely near to Pendoylan / Monkshood (Aconitum angelicum) yn tyfu ar lannau Afon Elái ger Pendoylan
Monkshood Meander – Walking Trail / Monkshood Meander – Llwybr Cerdded
We have devised a walking trail along the Ely from Grangemoor Park to Pontylcun. Find out more here.
Rydym wedi dyfeisio llwybr cerdded ar hyd Trelái o Barc Grangemoor i Bontyclun. Darganfyddwch fwy yma.