RePrEEV Project Update / RePrEEV Diweddariad y Prosiect

Habitat Survey of Ely Valley SSSI / Arolwg Cynefin SoDdGA Dyffryn Trelái

The Trust has commissioned a habitat survey of the accessible areas of the Ely Valley SSSI. This was undertaken in order to identify the known Monkshood sites along the river as well as highlighting other habitats and species that should be considered for further protection. The report has also identified several issues along the river, such as the presence of non-native invasive species.

Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth wedi comisiynu arolwg cynefin o ardaloedd hygyrch SoDdGA Dyffryn Trelái. Cynhaliwyd hyn er mwyn nodi’r safleoedd Monkshood hysbys ar hyd yr afon yn ogystal â thynnu sylw at gynefinoedd a rhywogaethau eraill y dylid eu hystyried i’w gwarchod ymhellach. Mae’r adroddiad hefyd wedi nodi sawl mater ar hyd yr afon, megis presenoldeb rhywogaethau ymledol anfrodorol.

A copy of the report can be viewed here:

Gellir gweld copi o’r adroddiad yma:

Public Perception Survey / Arolwg Canfyddiad y Cyhoedd

Working with our partner, Co-production Wales we have designed and distributed a public perception survey to identify what people, who live locally, perceive to be the current quality of their local river and most importantly their willingness to contribute to addressing particular issues.

Gan weithio gyda’n partner, Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru, rydym wedi cynllunio a dosbarthu arolwg canfyddiad y cyhoedd i nodi’r hyn y mae pobl, sy’n byw yn lleol, yn ei ystyried yn ansawdd presennol eu hafon leol ac yn bwysicaf oll eu parodrwydd i gyfrannu at fynd i’r afael â materion penodol.

A copy of the survey report presentation can be viewed here:

Gellir gweld copi o’r adroddiad arolwg yma:

Riparian Buffer Strips / Stribedi byffer Riparian

When livestock are able to access riverbankc, they trample and eat the vegetation which, leads to several negative impacts including the weakening of the banks, leading to more erosion, and the loss of cooling shade provided by trees and bankside shrubs. The Trust invests in the construction of fencing with the aim of excluding livestock from the riverbank. In doing so we often have to provide alternative stock watering through provision of cattle drinking areas or mechanical water pumps.

Pan fydd da byw yn gallu cael mynediad i afon, maent yn sathru ac yn bwyta’r llystyfiant sydd, yn arwain at sawl effaith negyddol gan gynnwys gwanhau’r banciau, gan arwain at fwy o erydiad, a cholli cysgod oeri a ddarperir gan goed a llwyni glan y banc. Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth yn buddsoddi mewn adeiladu ffensys gyda’r nod o eithrio da byw o lan yr afon. Wrth wneud hynny, yn aml mae’n rhaid i ni ddarparu dyfrio stoc amgen trwy ddarparu ardaloedd yfed gwartheg neu bympiau dŵr mecanyddol.

Invasive Species Control / Rheoli Rhywogaethau Ymledol

The presence of our native plant and animal species is threatened by the spread of non-native invasive species. These are species of plant and animal that thrive in our climate when released into the wild, either inadvertently or deliberately. Japanese Knotweed is particularly prevalent along the River Ely. It is controlled using herbicide which whilst normally sprayed onto the plant, has to be injected or wiped if growing close to the river to reduce the risk of pollution.

Mae presenoldeb ein rhywogaethau brodorol o blanhigion ac anifeiliaid yn cael ei fygwth gan ledaeniad rhywogaethau ymledol anfrodorol. Mae’r rhain yn rhywogaethau o blanhigion ac anifeiliaid sy’n ffynnu yn ein hinsawdd pan gânt eu rhyddhau i’r gwyllt, naill ai’n anfwriadol neu’n fwriadol. Mae Clymog Japan yn arbennig o gyffredin ar hyd Afon Elái. Fe’i rheolir gan ddefnyddio chwynladdwr sydd, er ei fod fel arfer, yn cael ei chwistrellu neu ei sychu os yw’n tyfu’n agos at yr afon i leihau’r risg o lygredd.

The Trust is trying to eradicate large areas of knotweed between Pontyclun and St. Fagans.

Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth yn ceisio dileu ardaloedd mawr o glymog rhwng Pontyclun a Sain Ffagan.